MMP presents Serpent-OpenFOAM coupling at INFN/Genova

MMP presents Serpent-OpenFOAM coupling at INFN/Genova

MMP presents Serpent-OpenFOAM coupling at INFN/Genova 1000 750 Milano Multiphysics

MMP joins the OCAPIE meeting in Genova, organized by the INFN (Istituto di Fisica Nucleare).

OCAPIE (Ottimizzazione di CAlcolo Parallelo Intensivo Applicate a problematiche in ambito Energetico) deals with the study and the development of parallel computing technologies useful to the description of multiscale/multiphysics phenomena.

Three members of MMP take part of the meeting:

  • Manuele Aufiero talks about HPC and nuclear related multiphysics simulations (link al progetto?)
  • Stefano Lorenzi explains his work regarding reduced order modeling
  • Francesco Di Lecce presents the project about coupled neutronic and thermal-hydraulic analysis of ALFRED (click here to read more).